Subtitles by native speakers can boost your business

Subtitles by native speakers can boost your business

Subtitles are chiefly provided for cinematic purposes as an alternative for dubbing or voice-over. This way of translating movies has been adapted for other purposes as well. They are the means by which recipients of your recording that do not speak your language fluently can understand the message you put across. Adding subtitles may substantially increase your views and SEO ? why? Subtitles for noisy moments Studies show that 85% of Facebook video content is viewed with the sound off (source: Digiday). Content published there is supposed to be easy to digest, making it a perfect pastime for moments when you are on the go or want to take a break from the office hustle. These are not the circumstances for sound-on viewership and a perfect opportunity for you to allow your audience to appreciate the content you create ? whether it is a serious message or a promotional video.

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HTML translation and proofreading ? dos and don?ts

HTML translation and proofreading ? dos and don?ts

HTML-related projects for translation and proofreading companies refer to handling website content. There are a few rules that need to be followed while handling HTML files, but it?s not scary! We summarised our experience with such projects in two basic points. What can be translated or proofread in HTML projects HTML is generally understood as tags between angle brackets (e.g. <tag>).  They often occur in pairs, so we have an opening tag <p>  and a closing tag </p>.  We can modify whatever is between them, but should not change the content of the tags ? any alteration may distort the entire website layout. Sometimes the text needs to be reordered to match the specificity of a language ? this may involve moving the tags as well. You need to be sure that the same words are surrounded by marker tags. What cannot be translated or proofread in HTML projects Some tags

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CAT tools ? translator?s best friends

CAT tools ? translator?s best friends

Since the 1990s, scientists and businesses have been working on perfecting computer-assisted translation (CAT) processes. Nowadays, we can proudly use the fruit of their hard work and choose the kind we are most comfortable with. It is safe to say that CAT tools facilitated translation and proofreading processes, making even more efficient human translation a reality. CAT vs. machine translation First of all, the key differences between CAT translation and machine translation have to be explained. As the name suggests, computer-assisted processes use the technology available to us today, but only to help the translator. Therefore, a CAT translation is completely different from a machine translation! A good translator would never us software providing automatic translations; however, CATs are specialised software which break the text into sensible bit size chunks, ensure standardisation across the whole document and are completely controlled by the translator and/or proofreader. Before a CAT tool is

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