Rozwój MD Online doceniony jako gepard biznesu

We have just learnt that the Instytut Europejskiego Biznesu [Institute of European Business] listed our company among the winners of three competitions! These are: 15th edition of Gepard Biznesu 2020, 13th edition of Efektywna Firma 2020 and 8th edition of the promotional programme Mocna Firma Godna Zaufania 2020. Our place there was based on reliable financial data obtained from the National Court Registry.

IEB counted that we developed dynamically in the years 2018-2019, reaching the threshold of  17.6 %. It gave us the title of Gepard Biznesu 2020 and 10. place in the Łódź voivodeship. The title Efektywna Firma 2020 was given to us on the basis of the mean ratio of net profit-to-turnover in 2019. Those two titles made it possible to reach for the title of Mocna Firma Godna Zaufania 2020.

We are extremely proud that our efforts in delivering native speaker translation and proofreading services do actually translate into the indicators of company growth. We would not be able to develop so robustly without the trust and partnership-based cooperation with some of the largest translation agencies in Poland and other EU countries. Those titles also result from the tireless activities of our project managers and their side-by-side cooperation with excellent linguists. Such circumstances allow us to deliver tailor-made solutions ? quick quoting, arranging fast turnaround time, efficient communication with customers. We also see there the results of implemented and perfected quality control procedures and broader use of CAT tools.

We sincerely hope that we will maintain this momentum throughout the upcoming years of our activity and that our customers will appreciate our work  ? their satisfaction is what matters to us the most.

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