Here comes the second webinar created by the MD Online team entitled ?Translation Memories?. In this webinar training, you will find out how what are Translation Memories and how to manage them and successfully apply them in your translation projects.

Translation Memories often referred to as TMs, are one of the functionalities of CAT tools. In simple words, they are record storage of all texts translated within the translation software. Translation Memories work in two ways ? they store all the translation units (e.g. sentences) while the translator translates a text and at the same time, they analyze the text that is currently being translated and search the database for similar units. If the TM finds such a unit, it automatically puts the text into the editor. In this way, the translator can quickly accept, reject, or modify the TM entry. Yet, what is significant about Translation Memories is the fact that they are records of human translation only. They are not a type of machine translation and anything that is recorded in them, had to first be typed in by a human translator.

Translation Memory is the secret behind faster translation with maintained high-quality of the target text and consistency of vocabulary. It is possible for a computer to quickly analyze all the stored data, without the help of the machine, searching for similar translation units would be extremely time-consuming. Yet, many translators struggle to find out how to use CAT tools and their functionalities at work. In order to perfect the quality standards, the MD Online team has developed a series of online trainings for translators in the form of webinars covering topics related to quality assurance and control and the use of CAT tools.

The first webinar was entitled ?Introduction to CAT tools?. You can read more about it here and watch the recording here. After the introduction presented during the first training, we now cannot wait to embrace more complex topics. Therefore, the next webinar will be focused on the issues connected with Translation Memories.

During our webinar, we will go into details on the topic of TMs. We will present and explain how Translation Memory works and how to make the best use of it during translation. We will also show some tricks of the trade connected with this topic during the practical part of the training in which we will take a look into a CAT tool.

If you find it interesting, join our webinar on Thursday, May 28 at 6 pm CET. For more information, follow our Facebook event here. If you have any questions, make sure to post them in the discussion, and we will answer them during the webinar. Share the information about the webinar training and invite your fellow translators.

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