Language courses for companies

MD Online, through its extensive network of native speakers, has also created a team of highly qualified language teachers focused on sharing linguistic knowledge and improving skills of corporate employees, which includes carrying out corporate courses. All of our teachers are NATIVE SPEAKERS.

Excellence that sets us apart:

We offer classes with native speakers from all over the world. We know that depending on the nature of your business, a British, American or Australian accent may be preferred – for us, that’s not a problem! Each teacher is perfectly prepared for every lesson and chooses a programme according to the group’s or individual’s needs.

Individual approach to students

Depending on the needs of your employees, we can provide classes focused on the language of your industry or business. We can also help you to understand the customs and culture prevailing in your partner’s country (for example, Asian business culture). This is particularly useful for international companies. These courses make it easier for employees to understand cultural differences, which enables them to work better with partners and customers abroad.

Customer service office with a passion for language learning:

Our entire customer service team is made up of people with a degree in linguistics and a great passion for languages. We know how to learn and how important it is for a teacher to have a natural accent so the student can start speaking better and with greater ease. Each of us speaks several languages, we are in daily contact with native speakers and know the recipe for effective learning.

Contact us and choose the perfect course for your company!

Our offer

Opinions of our students:

We are very satisfied with the classes regarding the instructor. Elyse is very committed and meets our expectations 100% in terms of knowledge. Likewise, when it comes to administrative cooperation, contact, invoicing, etc., we cannot say a bad word 😊
– Sopra Steria – Monika 

I’ve been learning English for several years, but I’ve never dared to speak the language. I tried many schools, until six months ago I came across online language conversations for adults at LEO Academy. I can finally say that I enjoy speaking and learning English and, most importantly, I have broken the language barrier that had always hindered me. The lessons take place in a super friendly group, where everyone has a lot to say, as the topics of the classes are really interesting and chosen according to our interests. Every class is perfectly prepared and taught, without exception. I couldn’t have come at a better time. Sincere congratulations!
– Oliwia Król | Master of Physiotherapy 
English conversations with a native speaker in a group

I had the pleasure of attending a conversation class with Nicole – a Spanish teacher. The classes were online at a time that suited me. The teacher was prepared for the class and sent the material in advance at my request. The classes went smoothly and pleasantly. The conversation topic was fixed in advance, but the teacher easily adapted the conversation to topics that arose during the class. Flexibility is a very important element for me in such classes. Just like learning Spanish based on English – when we receive additional stimulation of our hemispheres and do not try to learn typically by focusing on the exact translation from Polish of what we want to say, but on searching for language principles. The grammar discussed by the teacher is also conveyed understandably.
– Marta Czarnecka | Managing Director of Centrum Medyczne NeuroProtect 
Conversational Spanish with a native speaker

The intensive language course at LEO Academy was a hit. I didn’t expect that there could be such an effective formula for learning a language – intensive and at the same time seamless in the case of a working mum’s very busy schedule (additionally, the children are in school online – so another full-time job). The 15-minute lessons, which come via email and can be opened at any time and on any device (I usually manage on my mobile phone in the evening), the immediate feedback and their adaptation to my level – sensational. On top of that the cultural inserts from films and songs- I am delighted. The conversations with a native speaker are fantastic for activating my language skills and I can immediately implement what I have learned or refresh during the micro lessons. This course is brilliant! The most effective way to learn English (and more!) for busy parents!

– Dorota Hunt | Owner of a translation company 
Intensive French course with Frantastique and a native speaker