Memories: Quizpe
Today, our employees will be sharing their memories from the office. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the stories and experiences that our colleagues have gained during their work in our company. Their stories can inspire us, teach us, and be a valuable lesson for our future together. We’ll have a chance to hear from Magda about “Quizpe”. What is this? Why are we talking about it? Read this conversation and get your answers!
Q: Good morning. Can you introduce yourself first? It may be a good start as there are people who don’t know you.
Magda: Hey! My name is Magdalena Ochmańska-Rajch and I am one of the veterans at MD Online.
Q: Thank you. What do you do here? In a nutshell.
Magda: Almost all our clients know me because I deal with the so-called front office. I prepare all valuations, explain clients’ doubts and am responsible for their satisfaction. At the beginning of my work at MD Online, I dealt with the entire order process and I also knew all the translators, but with today’s volumes, I would not be able to.
Q: You like your job, don’t you? You talk about these rather boring tasks with a smile on your face. Does this job have any hidden bonuses?
Magda: What’s not to like about a job that allows me to spend all day in a comfy sweat suit and pet my dog between quotes? But seriously, I really appreciate the opportunity to work in a virtual office. Sometimes I answer messages from a bench in the forest, sometimes from a sunny terrace, often from a train or my in-law’s living room on the other side of the country. And that smile… It’s hard to be sad when you work with a team that shares the approach to work and volleyball-nerd-tv series interests.
Q: Haha, makes sense. How long have you held your current position?
Magda: Wow, a lot of calculations… It appears 7 years will pass soon!
Q: So… you’ve spent a lot of time with the staff already. Some time ago, you were all asked about pleasant or funny memories related to working in the company. Several people mentioned Quizpe. What is that ?
Magda: Ah, Quizpe… Those were the days. Iga Jankowska, a very nice and smart girl, used to work with us. I still keep in touch with her. She introduced us to the application in which a live knowledge quiz was launched twice a day. At 12.30, the company stopped for several minutes! During the evening session, we often logged into the joint chat and compared the answers. I don’t remember how long it lasted, but we missed it a lot after the closure of this start-up.
Q: So we’re talking about an app that a lot of people at the company played, right? Do you actually remember how many?
Magda: Iga, Milena, probably one Agata and myself. In fact, the entire non-scientific team of the time. 😊
Q: Then another question arises, why did so many people play it? What do you think caused this reaction, or do you remember your reason for playing?
Magda: One of the reasons was the host’s charisma. Even when one of us lost, we watched it to the end for his jokes. I don’t know what this gentleman is doing now, but he was incredibly skilled in engaging the players. Another reason was curiosity, the questions concerned different areas and we learned something surprising every day. You could win some small amounts there, but I don’t think any of us succeeded 😀 I think it was just a short and intense escape from daily professional stress.
Q: It must have been a very fun time at the office. Especially since, as you say, a lot of people took part in it and exchanged their experiences. How long did this adventure with Quizpe last?
Magda: I don’t remember exactly, probably a few months. That seems like a long time in my head, but I’m not the best at recalling numbers.
Magdalena Ochmańska-Rajch – Senior Customer Relations Manager
Q: Did your family mind when you stopped doing something in the evenings to play and “went back to work” again? Did they know, or were they also drawn into the game?
Magda: At that time, I was at the computer in the evenings anyway – either I was “second shift”, or writing my PhD. At that time, I was still migrating between my parents’ house in Mazury and a rented apartment in Olsztyn, so simply no one noticed 😊. I also showed it to a few friends who were interested in it, but it wasn’t as “intense” as at the company.
Q: Oh. Should we call you “Doctor”, did you manage to defend your doctorate?
Magda: Theoretically yes, he, he, but since I don’t work at the university, I don’t attach much importance to my own title. I know many post-war people with no formal higher education who would embarrass a specialist.
Q: Do you have someone specific in mind? A person from your life with such characteristics?
Magda: In such situations, I often recall my late uncle, who repaired really complicated installations after only finishing high school. To this day, I remember how he drew flow diagrams in their backyard and explained how to fix them when something breaks down in one place or another! My dad is also such a man, he will calculate the necessary amount of materials in his head faster than I can do it with a calculator.
Q: Thank you very much for such a comprehensive answer. Such people influence all of us, it is impossible not to respect them.
Magda: Yes, exactly. For this reason, the most important thing for me is the respect gained for the skills and work put in your duties.
Q: Thank you very much for the conversation. It was nice getting to know you a little better, Magda. Although late, congratulations on getting your PhD.
Magda: It was also pleasant for me, you took me on an interesting journey down memory lane. Also, thank you for your congratulations and I invite you to Mazury for a celebratory coffee at any time 😊
Want to hear about other office adventures? Here you’ll find a conversation with Agata, another office worker. Or maybe you’re interested in how Magda joined our team? You can read about it in the memories from the fourth year!
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